Level 1, 459 Toorak Road, Toorak, VIC 3142
Create a business presence anywhere you want to be, from $50 /month*
An address in the right place and a local contact number answered in your company name can make all the difference in business.
At Tok, we understand the challenges you might face with your business. Let us assist you and allow our professional team to take care of your calls.
Quoted price is based on 12 months period. Price can vary depending on contract period, setup process and availability.
Subject to terms and conditions.
At Tok, we understand the challenges you might face with your business. Let us assist you and allow our professional team to take care of your calls.
Quoted price is based on 12 months period. Price can vary depending on contract period, setup process and availability.
Subject to terms and conditions.
Property Info
Suite 114, 580 Church Street,
2,000 Sqm
Suite 104, 580 Church Street,
1,300 Sqm
Carol Aldridge
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