$50,000 plus SAV
16 Thomson Street, Maffra, VIC 3860
"Boisdale Glassworks"
* Glazing business servicing the community in and around Maffra for in excess of 20 years
* Currently providing a wide range of household and commercial glass services - repairs and glazing, edgework and framing, cutting and etching, polishing, restoration or removal, emergency services
* If you are looking for a genuine opportunity to grow your current similar business or if you are looking to own and operate an established profitable business with room for future growth then enquire now
* Currently providing a wide range of household and commercial glass services - repairs and glazing, edgework and framing, cutting and etching, polishing, restoration or removal, emergency services
* If you are looking for a genuine opportunity to grow your current similar business or if you are looking to own and operate an established profitable business with room for future growth then enquire now
Property Info
Gippsland Real Estate Maffra
118-120 Johnson Street
Maffra, VIC 3860
Tel: +61351472200
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Kevin Lanigan
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