Lot 127 Wedgetail Retreat, Halls Head, WA 6210
Over 75% of the Estate is SOLD out!
- 310sqm in total size, 12.94m Frontage
- 12 Lots SOLD, 5 Lots remaining on Wedgetail Retreat
- R40 Zoning with excellent building guidelines
- Elevated and retained
- Backing on to the private Grahame Heal Reserve
- Fencing and Landscaping incentives are also available
For an Information pack or to walk the estate, phone Ben Hatch today on: 0416 161 474.
- 310sqm in total size, 12.94m Frontage
- 12 Lots SOLD, 5 Lots remaining on Wedgetail Retreat
- R40 Zoning with excellent building guidelines
- Elevated and retained
- Backing on to the private Grahame Heal Reserve
- Fencing and Landscaping incentives are also available
For an Information pack or to walk the estate, phone Ben Hatch today on: 0416 161 474.
Property Info
Halls Head
Ben Hatch
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